Friday, February 14, 2020

Humane Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humane Society - Essay Example Local groups handle the actual care giving process such as looking after animal housing, the animal adoption process and even euthanasia when it is required as an act of mercy (Wikipedia, 2008). 3. Relating to the audience: Even in our neighborhoods and cities, shelters are provided for animals and these shelters include municipal and private shelters which provide a wide variety of facilities. From life time care facilities for animals that are without homes to the temporary homes for animals. However, a municipal shelter is run by the government and it is funded by taxpayers such as you and me. The employees of such shelters are civil servants. Their basic function is defined in municipal codes, which means to pick up wandering and irritant animals and then reunite them with their owners. 5. Private shelters: work with funded from private donors and provide a safe home for lost and misplaced animals. Their basic task is to find homes for such animals. Employees of these shelters work as volunteers and may even be professional vets who go about caring for such animals. Many of the private shelters do wonderful work by placing animals in good homes. However, some may have to kill the animals that cannot be adopted since there is never enough room in such places. The animals that have to be euthanized often are those who have constant health situations e.g. diabetes, or a disability which makes them difficult to offer for adoption. 6. These are called â€Å"no kill† Shelters. No Kill is a widespread movement for animal shelter improvement. It is advocated by Winograd with a simple policy of not to euthanize animals. Such kinds of policies are known as â€Å"no kill.† The phrase No Kill is distinct by practices whereby an animal may be killed in order to ease the suffering of the animal or if the animal is unmanageable. However, animals are not killed just because there is not enough room in the shelter (Encyclopedia Britannica,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Comprehensive Strategic Plan for a Primary School Essay

A Comprehensive Strategic Plan for a Primary School - Essay Example A Comprehensive Strategic Plan for a Primary School Improving and increasing the number of school’s available technology for learning indirectly increases the self-confidence and morale of the primary school teachers within the institution. Thus, enabling them to deliver a better quality education for the students. Promote and integrate the 21th Century educational system in the primary school setting in order to improve the students’ fluency in reading, numeric skills, scientific literacy including global awareness by imposing a strict use of the learning technology inside the classroom and encouraging the students to the use of the Internet technology when doing their assigned school work. Note: Encouraging the use of technology in learning is one way of enabling the students to be competitive and well-equipped with the necessary technology skills they will be needing as soon as they finish school and start joining the workforce. Promoting Global awareness will benefit the students since we are already in the stage of globalization. Exposing the students early with the global surroundings is an important as part of the students’ learning activities. Note: Students with a good quality reading and writing skills is crucial in getting them ready for higher education level. Establishing a good literacy foundation in primary education will make it possible for the students to become competitive in their future learning challenges.